This past wekend, September 08, 2007, me and Holly got to attend the Dave Matthews Band and Allman Brothers concert at Piedmont Park in Atlanta. What an amazing show. I bought the tickets from a girl over craigslist.org for a slightly high price, but it was worth every penny. The concert was a benefit show to be able to undergo a 53-acre expansion to Piedmont Park. Pretty generous of DMB if I may say so myself. Being a complete general admission concert for 50,000 people, they sold two types of tickets. Regular general admission tickets in which the gates open at 4:00pm, and presale tickets which allow early admission for 3:00pm. Guess which ones I got?? Thats right, we got to enter an entire hour before thousands of people, which lead us to about 20 feet away from the stage, right in the center!!! It was an honest dream come true, especially after spending the last 3 years in the lawn of the arenas, far away from the stage, and the band. Now, I would get to check the breath of one of the most amazing musicians alive. The Allman Brothers opened up, playing from 5:30-7:30, and then the real show came on from 8:00-11:00. We also got to watch the DVD cameras flying around along with helicopters filming from aerial view. Can't wait for that DVD and CD to hit stores. You can check out the set list at DaveMatthewsBand.com under Road.
Honestly, this concert defined my summer of one of the best so far. Can't wait to see what DMB has in store for my summers to come.
Dave...Tim...what a suumer, before long you're going to be designing their CD Covers!
Very Cool Little Bro...DMB was performing here this past Thursday and the Ford Ampitheatre (10 miles away from my apartment) and two girls were killed running across I-4 after the concert....It was really sad.
Hey, dude, very tight site, player but you need to shoot some of your creativity out on your blog, and let your peeps know how fly your stuff iz!
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