
My bags are packed, I'm ready to go...but not leaving on a jet plane.

What a week it's been. Ellen and Brian came last week for mom's 50th birthday week. We completely renovated her garage, leaving it a bright room of purple walls and a green floor. Wasn't the easiest task I have ever worked on, but definitely turned out great, and was just what Mom wanted. I will be editing some video footage in the following week so be on the lookout for that video.

Interesting to find though. Our little cat Oliver unfortunately went into heat earlier this week. So now we call HER Olive. Kind of a funny story to tell, but through my mom into a tantrum. Plus I feel like the cat just got a sex change and I am just having to adjust to not calling the female cat by the male name of Oliver.

So I spent the entire day today packing my life away. You really find just how much stuff you own when it is all in boxes. Luckily a 5'x8' U-haul holds all my belongings (for now) perfectly, along with the help of a truck bed. I am so very excited the time has come for me to make this move. It's been a long time coming. This summer, however, absolutely flew by, as it feels like yesterday I just unpacked everything. There are going to be some many challenges and events coming my way in the next few weeks that will probably put me in a trance. Hopefully I will be loyal to updating the blog on everything going on. We are leaving promptly at seven in the morning. With a nice breakfast stop in Madison, GA, it should put us there about 10:30, in time for me to sign my lease and get the key. Uncle Alan is going to meet us in downtown about that time to hang out as well, so that will be way cool as well. 

Alright, been a long day and I am exhausted. Tomorrow will be even more of a tiring day. I will see you on the other side. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We will miss you! Study hard and learn something.