
Its frickin' early...

Well I am sitting in class at 6:46 am feeling like a zombie with coffee on my breath. Coffee is basically the only substance I feel that keeps my blood flowing so I can stay conscious at this time of the morning. I'm watching Hank fish through emails so he can send us a little bit more reading material, and the rest of the class with glazed eyes. I am looking forward to sleeping in a little bit tomorrow morning, but am starting to realize that there is so much more to do with your time than sleep, although I enjoy it so much. Not too much going on this weekend. Mostly homework. I have to take some pictures, do some more logo sketches, read more of my trilogy, and hopefully hang out with the girl some too. We are also planning our trip next week to Nashville, which we are going as the Publications Design class (what class I am sitting in currently) and going to visit Hatch Show Print, which is an amazing company that does music based print work. I believe its affiliated with the Country Music Hall of Fame, which is pretty cool too. Anyways, more to update after that. I plan to take the vid cam to document the trip, so be looking out for that as well. 

I also wanted to explain to all that receives the email updates of the blog, you should also visit the actual blog site too. It isn't just general emails, it all links up to my blog @ ewddesign.blogspot.com. You can see some more stuff on there, like links to fellow blogs which are also good to read, pictures, and just more stuff like that, so check it out. Anyways, I guess Hank may be getting back to explaining what our work is so I should stop typing this up. I hope everyone had a good night sleep of at least 8 hours, because I definitely DIDN'T!!!

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