So we have a new president. If you didn't know that, pull your head out of your ass and get with the times, ha. Anyways. My home for the last 5 months has been this art school, which has a different mind set towards things than I do sometimes. One of those being politics. Now, I will be the first to say I hate hate HATE politics, but I am not ignorant to it and know that a country needs a government to run correctly. I do think all politicians are crooks and its in the job requirements to be one, but this is my blog and I can fully voice my opinion. If you want to, start a blog yourself, its pretty sweet. Now within my family even, between the east coasters and the west coasters, we don't always agree on it and it becomes a joke most of the time that I find pretty funny. We all love each other but the fact of the matter is the different parts of the country is seething with different morals/lifestyles/and over all opinion. My friends here at school come from all over the country as far as San Fran and India, and its naturally a difference of opinion in these times. The important thing is that we respect each other's choice. I did not feel that yesterday was a smart decision but the majority of the country did, and now Obama will take the reigns. Now, I can continue with the sobbing and whining that policies are completely far fetched/ motives are fantasy based/ and that I am tired of hearing that the country feels like this one man will wave his magic wand and fix the economy and all problems, when anyone with more than half of a brain will realize our problems are WAYYYYYY too extensive to be fixed by just one guy who "says" he has a plan to do so. As a mature American man, realizing no matter what issues and problems may befall us for the future, we still remain the absolute best nation on this planet. Being in school and studying the arts and realizing the opportunities that are open for me proves this for me more and more everyday, and I don't need a presidential election to show it to me. Too many have their hands out to the government when they need to get off their ass and make something of themselves to begin with. The point of the president is to keep this country stable, protect us through decisions that impact us all. The white house is not a huge salvation army. Take the opportunities that we as Americans have, that many other countries are so envious of, and use it as a catalyst for moving toward success. Success is misinterpreted sometimes. Many think success is having a fat wallet and buying more junk. FALSE. Success is your ultimate happiness in life. If you find yourself in a good job where you're happy, a good family life where you're happy, a good marriage or relationship where you're happy, and overall a good life where you're happy, then you have reached success, no matter how others view it. Success = ultimate happiness. Your success is your own, and no one else needs to attempt to understand or ever judge you on it. If they do, screw them. Your life is not for pleasing others. One of those lessons I have strongly learned over the past couple of years and getting stronger in my heart every day.
So where am I going with this? I will respect the president who has taken office, and trust that he will do everything in his power to keep this country afloat and representing the best and most successful nation in the world. No room for whining and complaining because it does no good. On the other side when Bush was in office, I constantly saw the lack of respect from Americans for him, when the truth of it was, HE IS THE LEADER OF THIS COUNTRY! Yes, he may have made decisions that everyone didn't agree on, but when you have a nation of 305,657,264 citizens, not everyone is always going to see eye to eye. I am not saying the email jokes and funny SNL skits of the president is uncalled for. I will be the first to laugh my ass off at that stuff. But in reverence to it all, we now need to unite together as a country and look to President Obama to lead us in the right direction. And besides, if its possible for the country to get screwed up any more, it is for only 4 years, hahah. (That was a joke)

More to come about work and project updates and my trip to Nashville this upcoming weekend. I also will be meeting with Carla Frank tomorrow, designer and director of Oprah Magazine, along with several other amazing projects. Check her out!!!
Hey bro! I couldn't agree with you more (as you will see today or tomorrow in my blog regarding yesterday). I think we all need to come together to support our president and each other, no matter the differences. This has always been a great country and we need to keep it that way. Well said. Isn't it fun to shut people up? Haha
Hi - great topic. I agree with the support we all need to show, however I was a supporter of Obama from day one (despite the extreme right wing republican family members I talk with most often - love you all anyway) and I do think he is the kind of radical change we need in a position of power. Case In Point: In Obama's FIRST DAY in office he has frozen over 100 political aide incomes of over 100K a piece - that is saving the country 10 million dollars!!! (pinkie to my lips like Dr. Evil) but seriously, that's pretty impressive...especially to my family because of the fact that Brian and I could potentially lose our jobs to a layoff any minute. I support him even more than Bush because he is wasting no time in making his talk tangible and helpful rather than destructive and expensive. Just my opinion ;) Love You Lil Brother! PS - like the success portion, sounds familiar...wink wink
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