First thing is first. Although and older album, I discovered I didn't own the Killer's album, Hot Fuss. This is really what put them on the map. It has the hit single "Mr. Brightside", along with "All These Things That I've Done," which was used in a Nike commercial a while back. The CD starts off with the song "Jenny Was A Friend of Mine," which is just amazing. It's rockin! As the cd goes on, you will find all different experimentations that the Killers did to make this album very versatile. I would absolutely highly recommend this becoming part of your library.

Second order of business. Need it be said a must have album for this summer is Dave Matthews Band's new release, Big Whisky and the GrooGrux King! Dude, this is an amazing album. I can't stop listening to it. With the loss of Leroi Moore(sax) last summer, it has driven Dave to write like he has never done before. The band sounds like they locked themselves away until they produced what they thought could be the best music they have ever done, and I have to say they succeeded. I mean, I absolutely love Dave Matthews Band's first albums, but this one in particular gets me excited all over again about the band itself. The album artwork was all done by Dave himself, which I think is rad. The best thing to do is get the album, and set an hour aside to just sit back, and let the music take you for a ride. Pop it in the car stereo and just go out for a drive. Whether you are stressed, having problems in life, worried about things, listening to this album will be a vacation from all of that for a little bit.

Alright, back to work. Almost done with this quarter. Lots to do.
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