I stepped into his office last week and had a chat, just to make sure that I was doing everything I possibly could be doing to stay as involved as I want to be. I came to this program to be immersed in it and basically be warped into the designer I want to be. As he had very kind words to say about my drive and ambition he sees in me, I still felt there was more I could be doing, maybe even outside of school. So, with that thought, Saturday, I attended a student board meeting for AIGA. For those of you who are unaware of what AIGA is, it is the Professional Association for Design. It stands for American Institute of Graphic Arts. They have it separated to different chapters for different cities, Atlanta being one of the biggest for students. There are many art schools, probably being the reason for that. Anyways, my friend Erin is one of the reps from Portfolio Center, and informed me that they would be voting on new council positions for the board, and that I had to get involved. So I did. And I am now the President of the Student Board for the Atlanta Chapter of AIGA. I was up against another girl, having to plead my case of why I would be the best. Needless to say, out of the 15 people present for the meeting, I earned a unanimous vote and will be taking charge of this head on for my remaining time in school. I am extremely excited and have big plans for students involved in the AIGA. Take a minute and check out the site and you can see what its all about. AIGA.org. I will also be attending the AIGA conference in October in Memphis as a volunteer, meaning its FREE. Ha.
My president was so very stoked for this opportunity, and has all kinds of things for me to do and people to meet with. This is a major boost to the resume and represents leadership skills for future jobs for me. I don't really know why I deserve the opportunity, but I plan to give 10000000000% to it and hopefully have great things come from this.
I hope everyone is well and having a great weekend!
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