
A little bit of exposure..

I have recently began my internship with Epidemik Coalition, a branding and design studio here in Atlanta. Made up of Portfolio Center alumni, I will be spending the remainder of the quarter redesigning their website. This opportunity came about after I had a class with one of the founders, Larry. The class was called Entertainment Design. It is basically a dream class of any designer who loves music. We focused on the rebrand and design of an assigned music artist's album cover, single cover, tour poster and merchandise items. I was assigned The Deftones, and wanted to take a risk. I wanted to take what was just a typical heavy radio-rock band and push them towards a different direction, or "experiment" if you will. I decided, after finding 2 acoustic version songs, to create an acoustic album and tour. Being a band known for their experimentation of different sounds, I decided to call the album The Acoustic Experiment. The idea is to carry you through the process of their recording, and that their hard personality still flows even if it isn't out of distorted half-stacks. The album carries the image of a solid clean acoustic guitar, which once you reach the inside the viewer would find the guitar in shambles, representing the starting element (clean acoustic) to finished result after music was made (smashed to pieces.) I was really excited about this album and look forward to tweaking it for the future to pop it into my final portfolio. Here is an image of the finished piece. The inside also carries a set of collector guitar picks with gold deftones logo, The Acoustic Experiment title, and a guitar logo I designed. Check it out:

I also was carried onto the Epidemik website currently. Here is a screen shot of it, or feel free to look it up on the site, EpidemikCoalition.com.



I love skylines of all cities. I found this video. Figured I'd share.

Sky from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.


On its way.

Be on the look out in the upcoming months.


Updated Schedule

So I figured I would give the rundown on what I am doing these days. I am starting my 6th quarter, which basically means I'm on the home stretch of being finished with the Portfolio Center design program. I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT! It feels like I just started, yet it feels like I've been here 10 years. Here is my current schedule as well as a little blip about what I'll be doing in each class or job:

Monday: 12-1:30 Peachtree Street Photography Book - My friend Erin and I, the same person I worked on the Fernbank photography exhibit with, have been requested to direct another photo project through the school. This time a little bigger of a deal. All photographers are assigned to the class, 17, and will be documenting the famous street of Peachtree in Atlanta, the main vein of the city. Erin and I will be heading up the design and writing portion of the book, as well as defining the conceptual direction and overseeing the project all in all. I am pumped and honored to be working on what could potentially be one of the coolest projects produced by a Portfolio Center team. We set up a "war room" in the photo studio, where basically people can write notes and thoughts on the walls, and pin up pictures, spreads, timelines, dates, emails, notes, etc. Pretty cool.

- 8a-12p Message and Content class - basically we are learning semiotics, the study of signs. Information design is so relevant in my industry, and we will be developing different projects in which we will place into real environments and study people's reactions to our pieces, as well as a developing a mapping assignment of ourselves.

- 1p-5p Modernism and Design History - this is the macdaddy class of Portfolio Center. Many students come to the school just for this class. Taught by Hank Richardson, the former president and design head of the school, we are studying major art movements in history which our projects will be based on. Here are the assignments I will be developing:
• a chair based on the connection between the psychadelic movement and a personal story of mine (some picture examples of other student chairs below)
• a written narrative/book based on International Style and the discussion of process being more important than outcome.
• wine bottle set for Robert Mondavi (vineyard based in Napa Valley, CA) which will be designed with the Swiss International Style, also known as the International Typographic Style
• a gift for a current designer/artist based on a personal interview we will undergo. I will be doing Rick Valicenti, based in Chicago.

- 6p-10p Packaging 2 - rebranding a company through structure and product design. For my first assignment, I will be doing TAG body spray. The second product assignment will be in the second half of the quarter.

I also will be interning for Epidemik Coalition for the next 6 weeks. Epidemik is a branding and web development studio based here in Atlanta. They are a group of former Portfolio Center students who are now recruiting business left and right. I will be redesigning their company's website over my internship time span. It is so awesome to have this opportunity to design something that will actually get launched live after 6 weeks. Check out their current site, as well as their clothing line, Process.
epidemikcoalition.com, wearetheprocess.com.

That's all for now. As you see I will be a busy fella over the next 3 months, but I am READY!!!


Museum of Design Atlanta work

I took an environmental design class this past quarter. Some of the images of the scaled model are in an older post. Here is a 3d animated walk through of my exhibit, which I created through a 3D rendering program. Check out the video clip.