
My office/bed...

So, this summer, I have been working for the marketing group I worked for in Greenville. They allowed me the opportunity to sit and do the design work from my house. I am still working the same hours I did when I was in the office, but the stress of getting there on time has changed a bit. Now, my alarm goes off, I hop in the shower, grab my pop-tarts and flip open the Macbook Pro and get to work. Although it is relaxing to lay on the bed with my buds in jammin my tunes, it gets frustrating working completely alone. I enjoyed the time I got to work around other designers for inspiration. Now I just have to settle for this scenario for the next several weeks, until I finish up and head on to Atlanta.

Some other interesting things going on:

• Grabbed an extra two years of warranty for my laptop which is usually $350, for only $160 off ebay. Once I sent the money through paypal, the guy emailed me the serial and I registered my computer, which is covered until a month after my expected graduation date, which is real convenient.

• Private student loans: Having a little trouble getting approved for a student loan because the economy SUCKS right now, so hopefully I can round up a co-signer in the next couple days so I can get these funds flowin.

• Craigslist: This is my route to finding anything. I am now looking for a few pieces of furniture for my Atlanta apartment. I have my heart set on a couple pieces of Ikea furniture, but you never know what you will find in the local classifieds

1 comment:

Justin! said...

loving the blog updates...