Today I reverted back to my childhood days. I went and picked up my bicycle that I received as a Christmas present around the 10th grade from my dad's house yesterday. Since it had been years since using this, one tire was already trashed, and the other one was on its way to splitting, meaning I had to tune this baby up. After a $112 quote from Chain Reaction, a local bike shop here in Augusta, to get tires replaced and brakes checked, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Mom and I ran over to Wally world tonight after dinner and I picked up a couple new inner tire tubes, 2 new tires, a new cushy bike seat, and a locking chain. At around 10:30 I found myself oiled up in the living room dissecting my new mode of transportation. I replaced both tires and the seat, and locked the chain on as well. Me and mom took a nice ride through the neighborhood around midnight, which was AMAZING. I had so much fun and felt like a kid again. I felt like I could have ridden the bike all night, but unfortunately, it was still in the 90's outside and I decided to call it a night. I can't wait to load my Tailwind up and take it up to Atlanta and try it out on Peachtree St., around my Buckhead neighborhood, and down in Piedmont park. We get caught up in the frustrations and stresses of life sometimes, and it is always nice to go back to something as simple as a night time bicycle ride to forget about it all. At the time I didn't realize, but years later, I find that this very well could have been one of the best Christmas presents I have ever received, I just had to remember what it was like to be a kid!
Gomen kudasai.
that's really cute..wish i had one too.
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