
Counting down...

So today marks my one month point from the time I move into my apartment in Atlanta. I have never been so ready. It has been an awesome summer so far though, and still have some to go. This past weekend, I visited Greenville for my last time for a while. I arrived to catch some friends at Barley's to grab a bite and had a remarkable calzone. After I jumped in the car to head to band practice to get ready for the next morning which we would be playing at Phil's Music in Greer. Even though the whole band wasn't available to play, I still thought it would be a good time to jam with the guys for a bit. The show went good. Not too much of turnout as to be expected since it was from 11am - 1pm on a saturday in August, which means HOT and EARLY! Still, a few friends did show up to support us as well as customers going in and out of the music store. It was a good time nonetheless. 

After that I headed up to some outlet shops about 45 minutes outside of Greenville to grab a couple bargains on some clothes for school. Then the long 3.5 hour drive home from there, which I wanted to be than anywhere else. No matter how far you stride away in life and all the adventures you take, there is truly no place like home. The place where your family is and where you are comfy. Augusta is that place for me, however, I am ready to take those adventures.

Saturday night started my editing session of the Myrtle Beach vacation and once I get started, there is no stopping, even if I stay up to 4 on Saturday night, 2 on Sunday and Monday night, and 2:30 on Tuesday night, I will not stop until I have finished it. It's weird though. My best work, whether it be graphics, video, music, or whatever art project Im working on, my best stuff is always done in the late late night. I finished burning it tonight which I am taking it over to Dad's tomorrow night to get their approval, which I think will pass with flying colors. As soon as I get all the copies out to my family as promised, I will post it on Vimeo.com and link it to my blog. 

Well, that's all I got for now. More videos and exciting events in the days to come!

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