
Portfolio Center so far...

Hey everyone, long time no talk. Alright, so my experience here in Atlanta at Portfolio Center is nothing short of chaotic and the most overwhelming thing I have ever encountered. But you all know that, speaking from the past entries, so time to look at the positives. I have made a ton of new friends, including people all from my quarter as well as upper quarter people. I have made a point to do some sort of social outing everyday so that I don't go crazy nor get burned out on this stuff. Its hard work, but completely doable and very rewarding.

Friday night I was invited to a drinking break over at my friend Hayley's place, who also lives here in Colonial Homes (the PC dorms basically.) Virginia and Jessica came as well, who are room mates and also live here. As they sipped their red wine and I drank my six pack, we all got to have some great conversation just discussing all the nutty stuff that has been packed into our tight extremely short schedules. As the drinks continued, so did our depth of conversation, which became pretty humorous. But it was really cool to connect to these people who are going to be like family for the next 2 years, and as I can already see really cool and fun friends.

Saturday, went to a party at an upper quarter student's house off of Roswell. This was an awesome opportunity for me to meet some more upper quarter people which really helps from the advice they give us of how to deal with this ridiculous load. After a couple drinks there, I headed home to work strenuously to get some work knocked out. 

Sunday, I ended up working from 10:30 am to 5:30 am straight, except for a friend coffee break from 9-11 that night. I made a deal with myself that I could sleep once I finished all the work from one of my classes, which I did indeed. So I slept from 5:30 to 9:30, feeling great I got up and dove into more work. I can definitely feel my work ethic positively changing and fast.

We had seminar up at school Monday night and had Frog Design come in to speak. They are here recruiting and they are an interactive design company, based all over from san fran, nyc, austin, to shanghai and the newest in Amsterdam. Very overwhelming to talk to people that could potentially hire me and send me to one of those places. Crazy, but freakin awesome.

Tonight we had a party over at Binders, which is where most of my loan money will go over the next 2 years. It is an art supplies store and the point of tonight was to show us around, but I have already been there 6 times this week. 

OOOO, I almost forgot. I tagged along last night on some friend's homework assignment to attend the Claremont, which is the oldest gentlemen's club in Atlanta. To me, that equalled the nastiest sketchiest place I have ever attended. Needless to say, it needs to be experienced. 

Alright, thats all I have energy to write now. I'll update you more later. I have a ton of stuff still to do. Back to class at 8 in the morning

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