I am starting to see the light at the end of the 1st quarter tunnel. Feeling like I have been here for about a year, these past 5 weeks have been a whirlwind of loads of homework, projects, trips to kinkos, outings with friends and lots of coffee and energy drinks. Oh, and did I mention the extreme lack of sleep I am having to endure as well. All that being said, I am having the best time of my life. The mania of learning in the art world is indescribable and is a great outsource of creativity and emotion. I have worked on some awesome projects, and are still perfecting those. The goal is to be introduced to these projects and spend the quarter creating them, and using studio week to perfect them to make sure they are perfect for critique week. I attached a couple shots of my cut paper poster, which is basically an advertisement for an Aboriginal Penguin exhibit at the St. Louis Zoo. The trick is, there is no ink allowed by any means, it is completely created out of cutting out different shades of gray paper. Basically you become best friend with the xacto knife and you begin to master your craft. The other was based on a tracing of a picture, that went through scanning, a bit of photoshop touch up as well as illustrator work. My logo can be found in the bottom right and the text behind me is some that I wrote in using my Wacom graphics tablet. I also have the New York skyline in the background, as well in my glasses. It was definitely one of the most enjoyable projects since we did it completely in class. With my buds in flowing some Explosions in the Sky, and working in complete darkness, it was a relaxing time for innovation and filtering out some of the stress that has built itself to quite a mass from the past weeks.

We have also had some incredible seminars, which is where the school meets each Thursday mornings at 10 and have a speaker from different studios around the nation come and share with us what they do, and basically give you the idea of possibly working for them if thats where the Portfolio Center path leads you. Frog Design, an interactive design agency based in places such as San Francisco, New York, Amsterdam and Shanghai. After picking my jaw off the floor, I found that this could possibly be a job for me when I get out of here in two years. I spoke with another agency called Brew Creative based in Minneapolis, which have worked with such clients as BMW. Check their site out at www.brew-creative.com. I wrote the creative director an email of just basic interest and showing my gratitude for his presentation, also throwing my portfolio so far in there. You never know what will happen as far as jobs go, and all these agencies know we are basically incubating at this point in our life, and are going to be incredible creatives when we graduate. Alright, all I got for now. Hope everyone is well and I may see some of you soon.
1 comment:
Nice bro! We have come very far already! I cant imagine what we will know by the end of it all. Well, go ahead and say I wont know anything since Im a photographer...I havent heard THAT before :) Haha
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