
Oh to be a kid...with no worries

I was at the apple store yesterday in the Lenox Mall to take my laptop in for repair. The "A" key stopped working and some of the paint is defective on the casing, so under my applecare warranty, I am able to get it repaired. The only drawback is I am without my computer for 7-10 days, which SUCKS. I told my girlfriend that I felt like my child was taken from me. My entire life runs through the hard drive somewhere on that machine, so it is hard to accept being without it. Luckily my friend had an older Mac laptop that she was able to lend me until I get mine back. But thats not the blog subject, just setting the scenario.

So I walked in and was standing there thinking that it was such an inconvenience to have to get this problem fixed and be without it, when I noticed this little girl, maybe 4 or 5, standing at a bank of iMacs in front of the service desk. She was leaning up against this stool that was taller than her. She kept pushing it ever so slightly, and then stopping to give the surroundings a look. I assumed her mischief made her curious of what all the "big people" around her were thinking, or if she might get called out on her actions. To me she was doing nothing wrong, and through my eyes that she looked in, she knew I wouldn't say anything. She continued pushing this stool a few more inches closer to the table of computers, still pausing to scan the horizon. I then started thinking of all the problems and issues that I have going on in my world right now why I watched this child work and plan her next move. This week a situation really hit home personally that involves this economy falling to pieces. A loved one's life was changed drastically because of our national situation and it put me in an entirely new emotional realm that I have never been. Even though this particular situation didn't have an immediate impact on my living situation, my heart grew a little bruised for the thought that this person was going through what they were going through, when they didn't deserve it one bit. As I watched this child move this stool, I put myself into her shoes and considered the idea that her only worry and issue in the world at that moment was to move this stool close enough to the computer so she could climb up to another world of exploration that she may had not ever experienced before.

In this time, we have to reach out to our friends and family, and stick together. Yes, situations happen to others that are out of our hands, but prayers and support can be major building blocks to putting someone up to another level of exploration that they may have never been before. Don't belittle the situation or turn your head to it just because it hasn't happened to you. It could very well be tomorrow that you find yourself in a life altercation and having the support and care from others would possibly make the issue a little easier to swallow. I hope this email finds you all in high hopes that we will pull out of this current crisis in our nation and that we as family and friends stick together through it. DO NOT belittle anyone's situation for what they are going through, for we have NO CLUE of understanding what that person could be possibly feeling.

Take care of yourselves.

1 comment:

Elle said...

Thank You, I Love You, and I will call you when I feel up to it. Thanks Again - We'll be okay :)