You guys saw this I hope. Don't know where I have been but just did. HILARIOUS!!!
3rd Quarter Guerilla
Hey guys, I went through my advertising critique last night. It went awesome, they loved my ideas on my projects and had some very encouraging things to say. Here is one of my projects which my partner and I actually executed. It was fun and gave a good opportunity to experience people's reactions to your ideas. Check it out!
Empty Bookshelf Campaign: Little Shop of Stories from EWD Design Productions on Vimeo.
Music Review
So, starting studio week, it's pretty dumb for me to think I have the time to do this, but it must be done. I have gotten 2 albums in the past week and need to recommend them to everyone! Especially with the summer here, you need good music for those days by the pool.
First thing is first. Although and older album, I discovered I didn't own the Killer's album, Hot Fuss. This is really what put them on the map. It has the hit single "Mr. Brightside", along with "All These Things That I've Done," which was used in a Nike commercial a while back. The CD starts off with the song "Jenny Was A Friend of Mine," which is just amazing. It's rockin! As the cd goes on, you will find all different experimentations that the Killers did to make this album very versatile. I would absolutely highly recommend this becoming part of your library.

Second order of business. Need it be said a must have album for this summer is Dave Matthews Band's new release, Big Whisky and the GrooGrux King! Dude, this is an amazing album. I can't stop listening to it. With the loss of Leroi Moore(sax) last summer, it has driven Dave to write like he has never done before. The band sounds like they locked themselves away until they produced what they thought could be the best music they have ever done, and I have to say they succeeded. I mean, I absolutely love Dave Matthews Band's first albums, but this one in particular gets me excited all over again about the band itself. The album artwork was all done by Dave himself, which I think is rad. The best thing to do is get the album, and set an hour aside to just sit back, and let the music take you for a ride. Pop it in the car stereo and just go out for a drive. Whether you are stressed, having problems in life, worried about things, listening to this album will be a vacation from all of that for a little bit.

Alright, back to work. Almost done with this quarter. Lots to do.
First thing is first. Although and older album, I discovered I didn't own the Killer's album, Hot Fuss. This is really what put them on the map. It has the hit single "Mr. Brightside", along with "All These Things That I've Done," which was used in a Nike commercial a while back. The CD starts off with the song "Jenny Was A Friend of Mine," which is just amazing. It's rockin! As the cd goes on, you will find all different experimentations that the Killers did to make this album very versatile. I would absolutely highly recommend this becoming part of your library.

Second order of business. Need it be said a must have album for this summer is Dave Matthews Band's new release, Big Whisky and the GrooGrux King! Dude, this is an amazing album. I can't stop listening to it. With the loss of Leroi Moore(sax) last summer, it has driven Dave to write like he has never done before. The band sounds like they locked themselves away until they produced what they thought could be the best music they have ever done, and I have to say they succeeded. I mean, I absolutely love Dave Matthews Band's first albums, but this one in particular gets me excited all over again about the band itself. The album artwork was all done by Dave himself, which I think is rad. The best thing to do is get the album, and set an hour aside to just sit back, and let the music take you for a ride. Pop it in the car stereo and just go out for a drive. Whether you are stressed, having problems in life, worried about things, listening to this album will be a vacation from all of that for a little bit.

Alright, back to work. Almost done with this quarter. Lots to do.
Data Blitzin
As students of Portfolio Center, we are chosen randomly to do some sort of presentation at the beginning of one of our seminars. It can be anything that we want. They usually last for 2 or so minutes. So my friend Jamie just recently did hers, which was pretty funny. Check it out
Jamie's Datablitz from EWD Design Productions on Vimeo.
New Position
So I hope everyone had a great weekend. I personally had a great weekend. We are slowly coming to the end of the third quarter, meaning i have 5 more and I am on to bigger things. But I must say, making the decision to leave my job and go back to school may be the smartest thing I have done. I was nervous there for a bit, but as more and more things occur, I feel more certain I am on the path that was made for me. As you all know, I took on the job as a student assistant to the president at the end of my first quarter. This was a situation where he sought me out and offered me one out of the six spots, so it was quite an honor. I get so much experience and time spent around him. He has definitely become one of my main mentors and knows just what I need to do to get me to New York and in that dream job when I finish. Here is a picture of all of us out to lunch at the end of last quarter after going through projects once the quarter was over. We had a great time.

I stepped into his office last week and had a chat, just to make sure that I was doing everything I possibly could be doing to stay as involved as I want to be. I came to this program to be immersed in it and basically be warped into the designer I want to be. As he had very kind words to say about my drive and ambition he sees in me, I still felt there was more I could be doing, maybe even outside of school. So, with that thought, Saturday, I attended a student board meeting for AIGA. For those of you who are unaware of what AIGA is, it is the Professional Association for Design. It stands for American Institute of Graphic Arts. They have it separated to different chapters for different cities, Atlanta being one of the biggest for students. There are many art schools, probably being the reason for that. Anyways, my friend Erin is one of the reps from Portfolio Center, and informed me that they would be voting on new council positions for the board, and that I had to get involved. So I did. And I am now the President of the Student Board for the Atlanta Chapter of AIGA. I was up against another girl, having to plead my case of why I would be the best. Needless to say, out of the 15 people present for the meeting, I earned a unanimous vote and will be taking charge of this head on for my remaining time in school. I am extremely excited and have big plans for students involved in the AIGA. Take a minute and check out the site and you can see what its all about. I will also be attending the AIGA conference in October in Memphis as a volunteer, meaning its FREE. Ha.
My president was so very stoked for this opportunity, and has all kinds of things for me to do and people to meet with. This is a major boost to the resume and represents leadership skills for future jobs for me. I don't really know why I deserve the opportunity, but I plan to give 10000000000% to it and hopefully have great things come from this.
I hope everyone is well and having a great weekend!

I stepped into his office last week and had a chat, just to make sure that I was doing everything I possibly could be doing to stay as involved as I want to be. I came to this program to be immersed in it and basically be warped into the designer I want to be. As he had very kind words to say about my drive and ambition he sees in me, I still felt there was more I could be doing, maybe even outside of school. So, with that thought, Saturday, I attended a student board meeting for AIGA. For those of you who are unaware of what AIGA is, it is the Professional Association for Design. It stands for American Institute of Graphic Arts. They have it separated to different chapters for different cities, Atlanta being one of the biggest for students. There are many art schools, probably being the reason for that. Anyways, my friend Erin is one of the reps from Portfolio Center, and informed me that they would be voting on new council positions for the board, and that I had to get involved. So I did. And I am now the President of the Student Board for the Atlanta Chapter of AIGA. I was up against another girl, having to plead my case of why I would be the best. Needless to say, out of the 15 people present for the meeting, I earned a unanimous vote and will be taking charge of this head on for my remaining time in school. I am extremely excited and have big plans for students involved in the AIGA. Take a minute and check out the site and you can see what its all about. I will also be attending the AIGA conference in October in Memphis as a volunteer, meaning its FREE. Ha.
My president was so very stoked for this opportunity, and has all kinds of things for me to do and people to meet with. This is a major boost to the resume and represents leadership skills for future jobs for me. I don't really know why I deserve the opportunity, but I plan to give 10000000000% to it and hopefully have great things come from this.
I hope everyone is well and having a great weekend!
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