
Getting close to the end...

Oh how things are really starting to get crazy and exciting. I just started my 8th and final quarter at Portfolio Center. This 3 months is all about tightening up and perfecting my portfolio, and preparing us to set sail into the industry on a search for the perfect job. It is probably one of the most exciting times of my life thus far, and I can't wait to see the outcome.

Along with the completion of the portfolio I am accepting an intern position at Realm Advertising, just up the road from the city. I will have opportunities to work with some of the video and motion graphics I have been getting interested in lately.

So keep posted. I will have all the finished work up on my website around the beginning of October.

Here are some dates for my finishing up:

October 11th & 12th - I will sign off at school. (Present my finished portfolio to my peers)
October 15th - Graduation at school.
October 29th - Portfolio review in New York City.

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