
Studio week to critique, and then to the sack!

Hey guys, quick update. I am in studio week currently, or as I refer to it, HELL WEEK. Basically we are in the stage of perfecting and completing all our projects (deliverables) for the quarter. We are completely done with classes and we have the entire week to work on our own, which isn't much time at all. Hopefully I can fit some sleep in there somewhere. Next week is critique week, which we take all our finished deliverables, dress up in our sunday's finest, and do a 20 minute presentation in front of a panel of 3 to 4 people. They could be some of our instructors from the quarter or people we have never met. We take 15 minutes to explain our 11 deliverables from this quarter then they have the remaining 5 to rip everything up in front of our eyes. Its a tough life but it will only make us better, have thicker skin, and be toting out some kick-ass work when we graduate in two years. Anyways, had a quick minute to write. I hope all is well with everyone and I will be soooooo very excited a week from tonight because I will be a free man for about 3 weeks. The journey is far from over however, but I am loving it. 

1 comment:

Evan J Hampton said...

One quarter down 7 to go. Dude I still cant thank you enough for telling me about PC and how its all come about. I can't wait to see how awesome we are at the end of it.