
Back in the ATL

Hey guys. Holidays came and went and its time to get back to work. We officially start 1st quarter today. Here is my schedule of how my weeks is going to go for the next 3 months:

Advertising Concepting 1 : Monday 6-10pm
Intro to Photography : Tuesday 8am-12pm
Intro to Design : Tuesday 6-10pm
Digital Concept and Design : Wednesday 6-10pm
Publication Design : Friday 6am - who knows

The last class I have on Fridays does indeed start at 6am and has been known to last ten hours at a time. It is taught by the president of the school and there is a small group of us. Should be an interesting experience to say the least but a really good experience. On Thursday's we will continue having our Seminars, which is when a random speaker which is usually a person from the industry who comes to speak to the school about their agency or firm. This gives us a good opportunity to rub shoulders with some really incredible people that could lead to job opportunities or internships.

Also during the break, I met one-on-one with the president of my school to discuss future opportunities and he asked me to become a student assistant, which is basically 1 of 6 chosen students to work along side of the president assisting with various tasks. This is quite an incredible opportunity as well, due the fact that there are 250-300 students and they only choose 6 for these positions. I will remain in this position until I graduate. Very very excited about this and we will see where it leads for the future.

We closed out the quarter with critiques, which is as I explained when we have a 15 minutes to present our deliverables and the remaining 5 minutes the panelists take to critique us. This is what everything amounts to because it leads to graduating with great work that has been run through fingers of current industry workers. We are graded by 3-4 panelists out of a 10 point scale. My average for the critique was 9.4, and had some very very encouraging comments that just continues to push me further into what I know I was made for. 

Last thing, I am having to sell my car for financial reasons, so I will be living carless which shouldn't be too big of a deal. I have good friends around and my girlfriend lives on the next street. Yea, that's right, girlfriend. You will have to just wait on more details on that, but it is really good and she is very supportive and encouraging during stressful school days. Now I just have to stress over getting these car payments off my back and focus on finishing up and getting to New York City in less than 2 years.

More to come as I am sure some really exciting things will be happening. Take care and thanks for the support! 


Elle said...

I caught up on ALL your blogs tonight, Brian was asleep and I took advantage of the laptop. I love reading about what you are doing and am really proud to be your sister. I ran into one of your old friends from High School at the casino, he recognized the last name on my badge, I can't remember his name right now, but I told him all about what you were doing and where you were going...I am your biggest fan! I love you brother, (The Hippodrome!! remember) Elle

Evan J Hampton said...

Hey bro! We are well on our way. Never lose sight of the task at hand and we will most definitely get to where the Lord desires for us to be.